install oracle9i on debian woody.
You CAN find package xyz.
  orarun ( it makes enviroment) ,
  oracle 9.0.1 3x CD ( we install sw only enterpr. without demo  and stupid things
  woody debian glibc2.2 xwindows and optimized HDD (hdparm)

1, Java - instalatting program has to start Java from CD - broken
 sollution: install and configure "us locale"
 or install java blackdown and replace java from cd during installation.
2, bad path on system programs (awk, ...)
 sollution: link binaries
3, installation requires libgcc (__cmpdi2) that you have to link to its catalogue.
(not elsewhere because of the lenght of the path ... stupid install prg)
Also you have to include gcc lib ( -lgcc) during installation
When you are changing cdl on cd2 !
4, other troubles are well known for oraclists (make db etc)

Sollution: deb  package abd hand made reparations according to *.txt

release 2: it had mistake also in suse8 -> we dont care ( for this time )
FREE, freeware (or beerware ;-)) )