
by Pete Pinter
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
(Revision History)

SetTime FAQ File

SetTime, and the OpenGL 3D graphics version called SpaceTime, are Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) clients available with complete Visual C++ source code originally written as programming examples to legibly demonstrate:


Windows Programming in Visual C++ and MFC
WinSock Programming over the Internet
Memory based Device Context (DC) handling
Dynamically resized Fonts and Buttons
Right Mouse Button Menus
Status Bar Handling
Graphic Bitmaps as Menu options
Registry Persistence of Parameters and Options
Basic GDI Graphics Operations
Basic Command Line handling
Basic Multi-Threaded Programming
Taskbar Notification Tray Handling
RFC868 (Time Protocol) Support
RFC2030 (SNTP Protocol) Support

For newbies looking to get into Windows programming with Visual C++, the learning curve is steep. Not only do you have to wrestle with the new object oriented syntax and 'paradigm' of C++, but the Windows API as encapsulated in MFC as well.

Both SetTime and SpaceTime were written as a protest against all the baroque and unreadable code out there and to hopefully make the process of finding useable code samples easier for other new programmers. It's most salient benefit is that it implements a complete program in one, readable, source code file while being completely MFC compliant. Bypassing the AppWizard and ClassWizard code generators enables SetTime and SpaceTime to be legible programming examples.

Incidentally, you can use these programs to keep your system clock in nearly perfect step with the rhythms of the universe while hopefully learning valuable and marketable skills in a burgeoning area of the computer industry. It's no exaggeration that object-oriented programmers who can craft Internet aware applications will continue to be in demand for the forseeable future.

Bottom line: if you decide that Visual C++ is for you, SetTime and its big brother SpaceTime may help make the learning process a little easier. If all you're looking for is accurate time, they can help you there as well.

SetTime and SpaceTime Source Code is Available

First, may I respectfully request that *all* users of SetTime or SpaceTime support my variation of the shareware concept, which I call Beerware.

All I ask is that you send along the price of a pint of Double Diamond ($5.00 U.S., Canadian, Australian, whatever) in the mail to this address, with my sincere thanks for your support.

As additional thanks for showing there are still honourable men on the Internet, I'll send you the complete Visual C++ source code and project files to both SetTime and SpaceTime (the OpenGL 3D Graphics Version) via an Email attachment.

Once again, if you find SetTime or SpaceTime useful, then please support Beerware!!!

Click these Java applets to download SetTime (37KB) and SpaceTime (500KB) ZIP files
(Java 1.1 compatible browser needed*)

Your browser has disabled Java Support.

*Still can't see the Applets? Try this page which will install Sun's 5MB Java 1.1 VM as a Netscape or IE Plug-in.
(Windows and Solaris Only)

In closing, I'd like to thank everyone for their interest in my small contributions to the wired community. I'm gratified that so many people throughout the world have used SetTime and SpaceTime as a basis for further study in VC++, MFC, WinSock and/or OpenGL programming. Between us all, we'll figure this stuff out...

Cheers Mate!


P.S. Check out for a current list of NTP Servers, worldwide. It will help keep your use of SetTime local to your geography, and therefore more reliable. Remember to use a Stratum 2 (Secondary) timebase whenever possible.

Revision History:









Here's the pitch: then how about buying me a beer? Simply put $5.00 in the post to this address:

Pete Pinter
163 Signal Ridge Link, S.W.
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
T3H 2J9

To the many friends of SetTime and SpaceTime throughout America, please note:

Make sure you include your Email address with your contribution and I'll reply with the complete SetTime and SpaceTime source code kits as an Email attachment.

Thank you for your support!